Ke se soglasite deka letovo malku katatonichno go DRveV so MRzaM LetO...I Taka si mrzam ja, si mRzam leto i vo eden moMent isPadna deka mozam da vi pokazam na koj nachin jaS MRzam LetO...Na SoN mi se vide TOSHe kako mi vika: sNiiiiimi MIX, SniiiiiiMi Miks....ti si DJ....uuuUUUUUUuuuu...sniMiiiiii Miks....I miks Bidna. Eve go LINKOT za FREe DOWNload... Ve molam nemojte da bidete voznemireni od zvukot na MOREto vo nego. Ponesete go na VAShite PLazi, Bidete trpelivi i dozvolete mu da poRasne.
U'll agree i was quite catatonious repeating I HATE SUMMER, all through the summer So Far...Hateing it all the way, i had this enlightning Dream in wich OuR homegrown Macedo-Angel Toshe adressssed me with these wordds: do a MiX, Doooooooo A MiX...You're a DJ, dooooo A miX.....Do It !!!
So i did it. here is the FREE DOWNLoad LINK...Please dont be disturbed by the sound of the SEA in it. Takeit with you ON your beaches, be patient, let it grow on you and Take It Easy...
Ova e SLika koja odi so MIksoT...
This picture goes with the MiX....

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